Information regarding the treatment of data according to article 13, D.Lgs 30/06/2003 n.196p
To follow what is actually foreseen in law D.Lgs 30.06.2003 n.196, G&D ITALIA spa (here after called G&D) as the figure of the person in charge of the treatment ex art. 28 Privacy Law, is obliged to furnish you with all the necessary information in regards to the final use and method of treatment of your personal data, as well as the sphere of their communication and circulation, plus the nature of the data in our possession and their conferment.
Type of treated data
G&D, will carry out an elaboration operation of the personal data that has been furnished by you at the moment of the preliminary dealings, from the signing of the contract itself and/or adhesion to the service, or the personal data that has been given during the proceedings. We are dealing with common data, and in the case where it is strictly necessary we will only be dealing with an identification type of data.
Aim of data treatment
The treatment of the personal data is carried out exclusively by G&D for the following reasons:
- Legal obligations or acts that have been enforced by law and /or administrative accounting reasons : billing, invoicing, obligatory accounting documentation and registration, contractual obligations connected to the management of the business relationship.
- Filling in of questionnaires and sector research.
- The carrying out of market investigation and marketing research.
- Distribution of information and/or promotional material.
Method and duration of the treatment
Your personal data will be kept on a computer and paper support system.
If necessary the up dating and/or modification of the data will be carried
out in conformance with the related rules regarding the subject.
The data will be treated inside the company by personnel and employees
that have been nominated to be responsible and/or in charge of the treatment
that have been adequately and suitably informed of the subject.
The treatment of your personal data is carried out legally and correctly,
for well defined, explicit and legitimate aims, for a period of time
that is not longer than the time necessary to fulfil the specified aims
, except for laws or acts that have been enforced by law, after which
the actual treatment of the personal data will be terminated in accordance
with law art. 16 of the D.Lgs 196/2003.
Sphere of communication and circulation
Your personal data that is subject to the treatment will be/or may be sent to the following:
- Competent Judicial Authorities following a specific order for final aims regarding the prevention and repression of crimes, following inspections or financial administration verifications carried out by the Judicial Police, Financial and Fiscal Authorities, Occupational Authorities, and in general all the Authorities that carry out controls and verifications regarding the correctness of the fulfilment of the above mentioned aims.
- Accountant offices for the fulfilment of the legal obligations or acts that have been legally enforced and/or accounting administration.
- Staff from accounting, administration, management and commercial offices as specified in the method of data treatment.
Nature of conferment
We would like to inform you that the distribution of your personal data is necessary to fulfil the contractual obligations and/or the legal administrative and accounting obligations.
We must also point out that the lack of conferment, as well as partial or incorrect conferment may have as a consequence the fact that these conditions could prevent the punctual fulfilment of the actual obligations assumed by G&D; the impossibility of the person in charge of the treatment to guarantee the congruity of the treatment itself on the basis of the contractual agreement for which it has been requested; the possible lack of correspondence of the treatment results in respect to the obligations imposed by fiscal, administrative and occupational rules and regulations to which they are addressed.
You can exercise your own rights as expressed in art. 7 of the D.Lgs n.196/2003, by contacting the person in charge of the treatment at G&D legal head office in ...
Art. 7. Right of access to personal data and other rights
1. The person in question has the right to obtain confirmation of the actual existence or not of personal data that is related to the person in question, even in the case where the data has not been registered yet. They also have the right to obtain this data in a readable form.
2. The person in question has the right to obtain the facts regarding:
a) the origin of the personal data; b) the final aim and method of treatment; c) the logic applied in the case of treatment carried out with the use of electronic equipment; d) the identification of the person in charge, the people that are responsible as well as representatives as outlined in law art. 5, comma 2; e) the subjects or the categories of subjects that the personal data could be sent to or may be brought to knowledge of due to the fact that they have been assigned as representative of the State.
3. The person in question has the right to obtain:
a) the updated version, the corrections or when of interest the integration of the data itself; b) the cancellation, the transferring into an anonymous form or the blocking of the treated data in the violation of law, including those that are not necessary to keep in relation to their aims that the data was initially gathered for or treated at a later date; c) the affirmations that the operations regarding a) and b) have be brought to the knowledge of due, also as far as their content is concerned, of the people that that have been circulated or distributed with the data, except in the case where such fulfilment results to be impossible or involves a use of means that are clearly out of proportion in respect to the protected right itself.
4. The person in question has the right to completely or partly oppose himself for the following reasons:
a) for legitimate reasons connected to the treatment of personal data regarding himself, even though pertinent to the data gathered; b) the treatment of personal data that regards himself that has the aim of distributing advertising or direct sales material or for market research or commercial communication.