Turnkey Project
A strong point additional to the quality G&D Italia products is turnkey project.
The Company can manage complex industrial, civil and waterworks projects with
direct monitoring of all stages, from plan design to set-up and installation,
to field service and local personnel training.
It also guarantees service
after project implemantation to optimize profits and performance.
The Company
is present directly in Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium and is implementing
already opened branch operation in Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Venezuela.
Especially one example can better illustrate the wide range and diversity
of the projects the Company can cope with: the Libya G&D
Branch has worked jointly with important enterprises to complete the following

Customer: General Co. for Industrial and Medical Gases
Realization: Plant for freon storage and bottles refilling
Job site: Tripoli and Benghazi
Customer: Arab Manufacturing Engineering Co.
Realization: Plant to produce oxygen and CO2 in gariam production of gas cylinders
for Brega windmills, photovoltaic and wind energy
Job site: Tripoli
Customer: Arab Manufacturing Engineering Co.
Realization: Plant to produce electrical air compressors
Job site: Misurata
Customer: Arab Manufacturing Engineering Co.
Realization: Plant to produce electrical welding machines and generating sets
Job site: Misurata
Customer: Libyan Arab Co. for Domestic and Electrical Materials
Realization: Plant to produce electrical wire cables and lamp holders
Job site: Misurata
Customer: Libyan Arab Co. for Domestic and Electrical Materials
Realization: Plant to produce metallic ceiling neon
Job site: Zuara
Customer: Electronic General Co. Tajoura
Realization: Plant to produce switches, multiple sockets, rewindable cables
and computer power cables and monitor power cables
Job site: Tajoura
Customer: Markhaz Alzhf Elakhadar
Realization: Plant for working out marble and granite
Job site: Tripoli
Customer: Libyan Army in Tobruk
Realization: Diesel generating stations for electricity production
Job site: Bab Azizzia
Customer: Secretariat of Marine Wealth Sirte
Realization: General cold store and fish factories with complete maintenance.
Supply of different dipper dredger
Job site: Zilten
Customer: General Electric Co. Tripoli
Realization: Consulting study for substation distributions
Job site: Tripoli

Supply of manual and automatic gen. sets for electricity production
of different power ranges.
Supply and installation of different types of laboratories for intermediate
and high level institute (ex. chemical laboratory)
Realization: Electric generators production with Engineering Industrial
Company Tajoura Libya G.S.P.L.A.J. (I.E.C.O.)
Job site: Tajoura
Realization: Steel towers and poles for electricity and telecommunications
production with Engineering Industrial Company Tajoura Libya G.S.P.L.A.J.
Job site: Tajoura
Realization: Project for production of windmills, wind turbines and
photovoltaic water pumping system with Engineering Industrial Company Tajoura
Libya G.S.P.L.A.J. (I.E.C.O.)
Job site: Tajoura
Realization: Electric wires and Lamp-holders production with Libyan
Arab Co. for Domestic and Electric Material in Zouara
Job site: Zouara
Realization: Gas coocker production with Ministry of Industry
Job site: Tripoli
Realization: Switches, sockets, rewind cable production Electrical General
Company Tajoura Libya
Job site: Tajoura
Realization: Marble production with Markaaz al Zaf al Akdhar Tripoli
Job site: Tripoli
Realization: Dredging of the irrigation channel and supply of the dredge
for harbour depth with Comafish Tripoli (Ministry of Marine SIRTE)
Job site: Tripoli
Realization: Revamping of the waterworks for Misurata Pumping Stations
and building of a new Pumping Station
Job site: Misurata